CERTIFICATION-READY, REDUNDANT, FULLY CUSTOMISABLE: S-PLANE’s Payload Management, Communication and Ground Control Solutions, combined with suitable sensor payloads, are integrated onto rotary-wing and fixed-wing manned aircraft in order to create powerful Manned ISR platforms. Integration can be performed for new aircraft or as modernisation and upgrade projects for an existing fleet. S-PLANE provides options to upgrade these Manned ISR platforms to state of the art certification-ready Optionally Piloted or completely Unmanned Aircraft Systems.


CERTIFICATION-READY, REDUNDANT, FLIGHT-CRITICAL DESIGN, FULLY CUSTOMISABLE: S-PLANE’s Aircraft Automation, Communication and Ground Control Solutions, combined with suitable sensor payloads, are integrated onto rotary-wing and fixed-wing manned aircraft in order to create powerful Optionally Piloted Systems. Integration can be performed for new aircraft or as modernisation and upgrade projects for existing fleets. Manned ISR aircraft created with S-PLANE technology are seamlessly upgraded to state of the art certification-ready Optionally Piloted or Unmanned Systems.


CERTIFICATION-READY, REDUNDANT, FLIGHT-CRITICAL DESIGN, FULLY CUSTOMISABLE: S-PLANE’s Aircraft Automation, Communication and Ground Control Solutions, combined with suitable sensor payloads, are integrated onto rotary-wing and fixed-wing manned aircraft in order to create powerful Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Integration can be performed for new aircraft or as modernisation and upgrade projects for existing fleets. Manned ISR aircraft created with S-PLANE technology are easily upgraded to state of the art certification-ready Optionally Piloted or completely Unmanned ISR Platforms.

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